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  • 欧美流行荧光静音趴来袭成都 Neon Silent Party Coming to Chengdu
  • 2022-08-04 07:11:24

  • 静音派对 Silent Party

    Silent Party,最早起源于欧洲。上世纪90年代,一批既热爱迪斯科又有环境意识的荷兰青年选择在森林举行舞会,但为了不惊扰森林里的动物,他们就发明了这种带着耳机跳舞的迪斯科舞会。

    Silent Party originated in Europe. In the 90s, a group of Dutch youths wanted to have a party in the forest. They invented dancing with headphones on in order to not disturb animals.

    随后,这种奇特的玩法辗转流传到英国和欧美各国。Silent Party因其“无声”的特点,彻底打破了空间上的限制,让平常本来不可能放音乐的地方,也成了欢乐的据点!

    Then this unique way of party was introduced to the rest of Europe and the United States. Silent Party has completely broken the restrictions of space, making it possible to party anywhere.

    Silent Party 2018来袭成都

    这次,Jellyfish & XTXevents 带你去party现场水母兰桂坊(成都最接地气的国际化酒吧BTW),带上耳机,听什么风格的音乐,要多大音量你说了算,舞动只属于自己的节奏!对的,就是那么嗨!

    This time, Jellyfish & XTXevents will bring you to the most popular international club in Chengdu, Jellyfish LKF to experience a soundoff party. You are your own DJ this time. That's right! You will choose whom you'd like to listen to and how loud the sound is!



    At the party you will find the best and most popular music and the best looking people in town -- it will be a visual and auditorial feast!


    去party遇到不喜欢的DJ怎么办??这一次,三位高颜值DJ同台竞技,随意切换频道,择你所爱,总有一款适合你。现场三种不同风格的音乐同时进行,Hip-pop, Electronic Dance Music, Pop等;三个频道随意切换,喜欢什么听什么,你的派对你做主!

    This time you will have three coolest DJs battling it out for your attention. Hip-pop, EDM, Pop, etc. You choose the genre you like.


    DJs will also wear colored Tshirts. Switch to their colors if you like their music. 


    Now here's some silent party 101! On the right earpiece is a volume knob; on the left, an on-off switch and a switch that cycles through the three channels: blue, red and green. Each channel corresponds to a DJ on the stage playing his/her own set independent of the other two; the headphone lights up like neon with the color connected to your channel.



    When you remove the headphones, you are able to have better conversations with friends rather than having to compete with the loud background music.

    静音派对 Silent Party

    当荧光静音趴遇见女士之夜又会碰撞出怎样的火花呢?Ladies Night 女士免费畅饮,现场单身的小哥哥们和小姐姐们注意了,也许你就能找到和你喜欢同种音乐风格的TA呢!在此要特别感谢水母酒吧兰桂坊提供的完美场地及专业的party服务!

    Excited about the party yet? Good news to all ladies out there. You will get free flow of drinks!! And maybe you will find someone at the party with the same kind of taste in music? Special thanks to Jellyfish LKF for providing the perfect party space and the best party services!

    Silent Party


    主题 Theme:荧光静音派对 Neon Silent Party

    时间 Time:2018.7.25(星期三Wed 21:30—24:00)

    地点 Add:成都市锦江区九眼桥兰桂坊一栋一层201水母酒吧(距地铁2号线东门大桥站A口步行410m)NO201 Lan Kwai Fong Building 1, Jiuyanqiao, Jinjiang District, Chengdu

    联合主办 Co-organizers:Jellyfish & XTXevents

    Silent Party


    Are you ready? We'll see you there!


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